Sunday, June 05, 2005

Yep...Privacy is Totally Dead

I have to agree with Russell Buckley in his cable-news-worthy rant, "The Death Knell of Privacy." And not just because it references my hometown news paper (Kansas City represent!). Some time, a few years back, we quietly decided to trade cool gadgets and a false sense of security for actual privacy.

I believe this has huge implications for campaign communication in the future. As campaigns have access to more and more information about individual voters, they will be tempted to use it. In theory, it would be great to be able to send out personalized direct mail that says

Dear Mary,
I urge you to support the candidacy of John Smith for Senate. He shares your values. He'll fight for increased funding for East High School, including the band program where your son, Johnny so proudly plays the Tuba. He'll also support programs that make it easier for your lovely daughter, Joni to attend University of Timbuktu...


Campaigns will have to walk a fine line between communicating with voters and making them feel stalked. When the inevitable backlash comes and people decide they're tired of Big Brother, campaigns need to make sure they are not caught in the middle.


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