Sunday, July 03, 2005

Keeping Them Honest

When I first started reading about Congressional blogging I thought it was a bad idea. There's no way any member of Congress sits down at their computer everyday to type out their insights on the world's problems. I know how much time that takes and how much of it turns out to be bs. So the question becomes, "Will any of the nation's problems really be helped by hearing more from Congressional speechwriters?" Personally, I say no. They seem overworked enough as it is.

But then I read How Congress Uses Blogs on Congress Online and I have changed my opinion...slightly. Although I still don't feel the need to hear from my Congressperson on a daily basis, I think they should be required to blog every day they are on a trip they didn't pay for.

In light of the recent abuses of free travel, this seems like a great way to keep members honest. I mean, if you log on to a member's blog and it says, "The view from the golf course here is beautiful..." then the trip might bring up some questions.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Jozef Imrich with Dragoness Malchkeon said...

I could not agree more ...


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