Idiots Running the World
I just finished reading "Tuned Out: Why Americans Under 40 Don't Follow the News" and I have to say, I have never been more depressed. David Mindich, the author, mixes some scientific and non-scientific research to come up with the following conclusions, which I'll paraphrase here:
The vast majority of those Generation X and younger are complete and utter morons. We can recite Brittany Spears entire discography, but couldn't name a Supreme Court justice if you paid us. We whine that the news isn't relevant to us when we are really just too stupid to see its worth.
Mindich sites several reasons for this disinterest in the news including not being encouraged to follow the news as children and a general feeling of isolation and disenfranchisement from the community. Mostly, the people he interviewed just think it isn't important.
While Mindich has some excellent ideas to encourage news interest in children, such as FCC regulations calling for short news programs for children or a component of current events knowledge in college admissions, I have to wonder about today's young adults. We are tomorrow's leaders, but how will we discuss and debate the course of our country if we're mostly uninformed?