Am I Missing Something?
So, The African-American Blogging Thing argues that there aren't many African-American bloggers and gives some reasons why that might be true. Now, maybe I have missed something here, but how does he know?
I have looked at a lot of blogs in the course of this class and very few ever mention the author's race. Granted, I have seen some of the big guys on TV at the Democratic National Convention and they are all skinny white wonky-looking guys. However, those are maybe 5 of the millions of bloggers out there. How does he know that everyone else out there and everyone writing diaries on Daily Kos isn't African-American?
By its very nature, Internet communication is color, class and gender-blind. It is debatable whether that is good or bad, but it does mean that you can't just decide that, since every blogger you know is white, then all bloggers must be white. Let's see some proof.