Kerry Campaign: Never Ending Disappointment
As a bitter, disgruntled Democrat there is nothing I love more than wallowing in the miserable disappointment of the Kerry campaign. Thanks to Jacob Nielsen for allowing me to do this a little more. Nielsen points out yet another way they screwed up in their use of campaign newsletters.
I, of course, received the Kerry newsletter and I read it in the beginning. Then I began to realize that I had actually subscribed to a fundraising appeal. There was almost never anything interesting in it except the new way they found to ask for my money. In October I changed my email address and never renewed my subscription. Just as Nielsen says, Kerry clearly exceeded the limit.
Apparently, Kerry kept asking for money when he should have been asking for votes. Especially since Kerry finished the campaign with SIXTEEN MILLION IN THE BANK! Kerry passed up a chance to energize his voters and bring people to the polls to raise money he didn't even need!
Our only hope is the other Democrats have learned from his mistakes.