Friday, June 17, 2005

It's Not Just For Princess Leia Anymore

I was trying to imagine what the best, most effective newsletter would look like. I decided it would be completely personalized to the voter and their interests and give the appearance that it was coming straight from the candidate. After all, who wouldn't rather have a personal conversation with a candidate than just read a generalized newsletter.

Then I read this article about the scientists developing a way to use the Internet for teleportation. They obviously haven't done it yet, but what if it's only a matter of time!

Imagine it is 2012 - you open your email and out pops a 3-D Barak Obama, about to go on to a landslide presidential victory, talking to you about the issues you care about. As we all know from the convention, Senator Obama is a powerful and moving speaker. Since by 2012 the average soundbite will probably be about 2 seconds, paid media may be the only way the voters get ever hear him. How engaged would voters be if he stood in front of them to talk about their interests once a week.

Nielsen states that half of the reason for a newsletter is to "create an emotional bond." How much stronger would that bond be if the candidate stood in your living room once a week and told you what he was thinking!

Now THAT would be a newsletter!


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